Bury Knowle Health Centre
Website: Website
Address: 207 London Road, Headington, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 9JA
Location: Oxford
Area: Oxford District
County: Oxfordshire
Country: England
Dr Justin Mark Amery
General Practitioner
FRCGP, MBBS, DFFP, DRCOG, DCH. Justin has been a GP at Bury Knowle since 1994. He is a Company Shareholder, GP trainer, children’s hospice doctor and medical student tutor. He has published widely in the areas of children’s palliative care and professional development. He has a particular interest in child health and palliative care, but enjoys seeing patients with any problems. He has a strong link with Africa, where he still works from time to time.
Special interests
Dr. Amery is a GP Trainer, and has a special interest in Palliative Care
GMC General Medical Council number
DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCGP Fellow Royal College of General Practitioners
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Melissa Holden
General Practitioner
Melissa has been a GP for 10 years, having trained in Oxford and Stoke Mandeville. She has been at Bury Knowle for 10 years and became a Company Shareholder 6 years ago. You’ll often see Dr Holden around and about on her bike. She has a particular interest in addiction problems, minor surgery, dermatology and women’s health but enjoys seeing patients with any problems.
GMC General Medical Council number
BCh Bachelor of Surgery
DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Andrew Collins
General Practitioner
Dr Andrew Collins is a medical graduate of University College Cork, Ireland. After his General Practice training in 1995, he spent almost nine years living and working in Africa initially in a small rural hospital and later in the control of tropical diseases. He has worked in general practice in London, Ireland and more recently moved to Oxford. His special interests include tropical/travel medicine and minor surgery.
GMC General Medical Council number
DCH Diploma in Child Health
MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
MSc Master of Science
Dr Ishraga Awad
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Mr Marcus Gleave
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Emily Gleave
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Shelley Petzer
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Meriel Raymond
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Shameq Sayeed
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Margaret Stewart
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Laura Watson
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Practice nursing team
Sister Kirsty Edmunds
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Gina Williams
Practice Nurse
Kiran Bilan
Nurse Practitioner
Felicity Bloor
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Mrs Jemma Cooper
Practice Nurse
Sister Fiona Deacon
Practice Nurse
Ms Tina Finnmore
Sister Charlotte Grimaldi
Practice Nurse
Mrs Beccy Lainchbury
Practice Nurse
Sister Suzanne Matthews
Practice Nurse
Mrs Bethany Mawby
Practice Nurse
Mr Wayne Mckenna
Practice Nurse
Mrs Louise Worth
Healthcare Assistant
Reception & administration staff
Mrs Laura Shaylor
Practice Manager
Asthma ClinicBaby clinic with health visitor
Learning disability health check
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
This service requires a referral by your GP
PhlebotomyPrimary care counselling service
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)