Dr Abraham Thomas - Willenhall Medical Centre

Phone:  01902600XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: Gomer Street, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 2DR
Location: Willenhall
Area: Coventry District
County: West Midlands
Country: England

Dr Abraham Thomas
Dr Sukhpal Gill
Dr S Sandhu

Languages: Punjabi, Sotho



Dr Abraham Thomas

General Practitioner

Special interests

Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes. Practice Management. Training and Education of Health Professionals

GMC General Medical Council number



MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

MRCP Member Royal College of Physicians

Dr Sukhpal Gill

General Practitioner

Languages spoken - Punjabi, Hindi & Urdu 

Special interests

Joint Problems Soft Tissue Injections

GMC General Medical Council number



MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Other languages


Dr S Sandhu

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Monday to Thursday

GMC General Medical Council number



DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2018

Dr B Cherian

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Monday to Wednesday

Special interests

Geriatric Medicine

GMC General Medical Council number



DGM Diploma in Geriatric Medicine

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Dr A Cunningham

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Thursdays & Fridays

Special interests

Womens Health

GMC General Medical Council number



MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Other languages


Dr K Mal

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number



MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Other languages


Practice nursing team


Practice Nurse

Julie provides a full range of nursing servcies 

Julie also offers a wide range of chronic long term conditions clinics . These clinics include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, COPD, Asthma, family planning, travel health etc etc

These clinics aim to optimize your treatment and provide education and advise to enable you to manage your own condition with our help . 

She offers a wide range of appointment times to suit your convenience 


Mrs Shirley Paul

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Shirley offers full nursing servcies and chronic disease management 

In addition Shirley is able to offer clinical triage and minor illness consultations 

Shirley's late evening clinics on Thursdays are designed to offer more convenience  for  working people to  attend the surgery 

Surgery hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Ms Jenny Daniel

Healthcare Assistant

Jenny provides a wide range of servcies including wound dressings, flu immunization, stop smoking clinics, weight management clinics , ear syringing, NHS health checks , BP monitoring and NHS health checks 

All new patients are offered a health check with Jenny 

Reception & administration staff

Ms Helen Cupitt

Practice Manager

Helen is the practice manager responsible for the overall smooth running of the practice 

Helen is available to discuss with you any aspect of services at the surgery including any suggestion, complaints or queries 

Helen also facilitates our Patient Participation Group

Mrs Gillian Allen


Gill facilitates all referrals. If you have any queries relating to your referral to hospital or other services please don’t hesitate to discuss with Gill 

Gill also deals with all insurance reports and medical reports 


Ms Helena Bachyk

Reception Staff

Helena and others will greet you at our front desk.

Our reception staff take great pride in being your guide and facilitator.  Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries about our appointments, clinics, blood tests or any other aspects of our service.


Mrs Cheryl Newell


Cheryl will assist you with queries, booking appointments and processing repeat prescriptions, all back office functions

Surgery hours

Monday to Friday

Mrs Helen Walton


Helen can assist you with queries, appointments, prescriptoins and referrals

Surgery hours

Monday to Friday


Asthma Clinic - Asthma Clinic

Flexible consultations with nurse and GP, treatment designed around your needs and aimed at optimal control . We promote self management education and advice

Child health and development

flexible appointments with health visitors , GP and nurse promoting optimal health and development of your child

Child Immunisations

we offer both clinics and appointments at any time during our opening hours to suit your needs. Please ensure your child is fully protected with all the immunizations offered. Our nurse would be happy to discuss any queries you may have about childhood immunizations and we have a range of information leaflets available

COPD clinic with spirometry

We aim to maintain you in optimal health in the community and to reduce exacerbations. .We work closely with specialists community matrons . We promote education and advice to enable you to self manage and can provide where appropriate rescue medication to keep at home. Your condition can be regularly reviewed and monitored including performing full lung function tests.

Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiation

Flexible appointments with both nurse and GP. Comprehensive assessment and treatment tailored to your holistic needs. Optimization of treatment to achieve where possible best targets but individualized for your circumstances . We provide information and advice to encourage self management . We work closely with diabetic nurse specialists in the community. The diabetes expert patient group can offer support and advice

Flu Clinic

Sat 5th October 9-12 for over 65 years old

Learning disability health check
Obesity management clinic

range of flexible appointments offered to suit your convenience .We encourage everyone to control their weight with health lifestyles ,diet and exercise. and can provide education,advice, a range of leaflets and where appropriate prescribe medications . We can monitor and encourage progress in our clinics

Smoking cessation clinic

Smoking is very injurious to your health and we take every opportunity to help smokers stop . Please do make an appointment with the GP or nurse who would be very happy to provide education and where appropriate prescribe medication that can help you stop smoking. You can attend our clinics for encouragement and monitoring

Travel health with yellow fever


  • Baby changing facility (yes)
  • Children's play area (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
  • Disabled parking (yes)
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