Dr Aparna Rao - Brookfield Surgery
Website: Website
Address: Whitbarrow Road, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 9DB
Location: Lymm
Area: Warrington
County: Cheshire
Country: England
Dr Aparna Rao
Dr Priya Sumra
Dr Aparna Rao
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1994
Dr Peter Finigan
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1992
Dr C J Turner
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
GMC General Medical Council number
DCH Diploma in Child Health
Diploma in Practical Dermatology Diploma in Practical Dermatology
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Sue White
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Sarah Williams
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1994
Dr Priya Sumra
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday
GMC General Medical Council number
Child ImmunisationsWe run a comprehensive childhood vaccination clinic on Tuesdays and Wednesdays afternoons. This clinic offers a range of recommended childhood vaccinations. Written parental consent is required if a parent does not accompany the child.
COPD clinic with spirometryA COPD review is a 30 minute appointment with the Practice Nurse. Appointments are run on a daily basis. Please contact reception to book an appointment.
Learning disability health checkMinor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
Dr Finigan and Dr Turner provide surgical treatment for appropriate complaints, after initial consultation.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Travel health without yellow feverThe Practice Nurses offer a travel vaccination clinic. A full itinerary of your travel plans is required to ensure that you receive the appropriately advised vaccines.
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)