Dr Davinder Chall - Poundbury Doctors Surgery
Address: 3 Frederick Treves House, St John Way, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2FD
Location: Dorchester
Area: Dorset
County: Dorset
Country: England
Dr Davinder Chall
Dr Andrew James Riddoch
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Davinder Chall
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Robert Cornelis Koppenhol
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Other languages
Dr Simon Robert Phillips
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Frances K Watt
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Reception & administration staff
Miss Jane Goodson
Practice Manager
Member of Institute of Healthcare Managers
Asthma Clinic - Respiratory clinicThis is a service for all patients who are recognised as suffering from any respiratory disease. You will be invited to attend an appointment. Our qualified Nurse will carry out a thorough review of your condition, treatment and assist you with medication review and advice. This service is offered in conjunction with the GPs.
Child health and development - Child DevelopmentThese clinics for well children are run by the Health Visitor Team. The clinic offers the opportunity to weigh and measure babies and infants as well as raise any matters related to child developmentand family health. If your child is unwell you should consult with a GP in a normal surgery appointment via the Reception Staff.
Child Immunisations - Child Immunisation ClinicThis clinic runs alongside the Child Development clinic which is run by the Health Visitors. You child will be offered all recommended vaccinations suitable for the age of the child. If this time is not convenient, we are also able to offer appointments with the Practice Nurse during normal surgery sessions.
Learning disability health checkMinor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery
Some small operations are undertaken at the surgery. This will be for problems such as skin lesions, ingrowing toenails, joint injections etc. Please see your doctor first.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Pharmacy available on-site - DispensaryThis service is available to patients who live one mile away from a Pharmacy. Trained dispensers will help you with prescriptions. People living in Dorchester will need to use a Pharmacy for dispensing their medication.
PhlebotomyThis blood-taking service is available to patients who have been referred by a Doctor or Nurse to have a blood sample taken for analysis.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Smoking cessation clinic - SmokestopAdvice and support for those people who wish to give up smoking is available from referral to a Smokestop Tutor, or from our own Practice Nurses. Please see either your GP or Practice Nurse for help with your referral.
Travel health with yellow fever - Travel HealthPractice Nurses offer a full range of immunisation and advice on travel abroad. Please collect a form from Reception NO LESS than 6 weeks before your travel date. The Nurse will then contact you and advise you of which injections are required. A charge is payable for some vaccinations, so please make enquiries at the outset.
Young person's clinic - Teenage HealthYoung persons reaching the age of 15 years are invited to come and discuss health and medical topics with the Health Visitor and Practice Nurse. As with all our services, this is completely confidential.
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)