Dr Dhammika Ganesh - Voyager Family Health

Phone:  01252545XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: 208 Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7JN
Location: Farnborough
Area: Rushmoor District
County: Hampshire
Country: England

Dr Dhammika Ganesh



Dr Abigail Inglis

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Dhammika Ganesh

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr N Nick Hughes

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Glen Micklethwaite

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Brian Tighe

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number



Asthma Clinic - Asthma clinic

Patients with asthma are encouraged to attend this clinic routinely when their treatment and inhalers can be assessed.  Inhaler technique training can be provided.

Child health and development - Health Visitors

Health Visitors are registered nurses with specialist training who offer support to families and individuals from pregnancy, through birth, the pre-school years and beyond.  If you wish to contact them an appointment can be made at their weekly Child Health Clinic, or telephone 01252 515822.  There is an answer phone and your call will be returned.

Child Immunisations - Child Immunisations

Children’s Immunisations
The Practice Nurses hold a regular weekly clinic for baby immunisations and pre-school boosters.  We follow the national programme of child immunisations and your child will be called for an appointment at the relevant stage to protect them from illness such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella and Meningitis C
Please check the following points before bringing your child to the surgery for immunisation injections.  If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” then still attend the clinic but tell the nurse first.
1.      Is your child suffering from any feverish illness?
2.      Has your child ever had a fit or convulsion?
3.      Is your child taking steroid treatment?
4.      Does your child suffer from any disease affecting his/her immune system?
5.      Has your child suffered any reaction from a previous injection?







COPD clinic with spirometry - COPD

You will be set an invitation to attend one of these appts

Dressings clinic (nurse led) - Leg Ulcers
Learning disability health check

Ages 14+

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant) - Intra Uterine Devices
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery

This service requires a referral by your GP

Obesity management clinic - Health Promotion Clinics

Regular clinics are held to advise patients on healthy diets and weight loss. 

Phlebotomy - Phlebotomy
Primary care counselling service - Counselling

This service requires a referral by your GP

Travel health with yellow fever - Travel Clinic

Our Practice Nurses run a travel clinic for advice on health matters for all patients travelling abroad, in addition to giving the necessary injections and providing advice on appropriate malaria prevention tablets. Travel clinics can get very busy, particularly in peak holiday periods.  When travelling abroad, it is advisable to contact the practice in plenty of time to be able to book an appointment.


  • Disabled parking (yes)
  • Disabled WC (yes)
  • Induction loop (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Step free access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
  • Cycle parking (yes)
  • Disabled parking (yes)
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