Dr Kamal Hussain - Simpson House Medical Centre - Dr Rozewicz and Partners
Website: Website
Address: 255/255A Eastcote Lane, South Harrow, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 8RS
Location: Harrow
Area: Harrow
County: Greater London
Country: England
Dr Kamal Hussain
Dr Kamal Hussain joined Simpson House as a GP Partner in September 2006. He has a special interest in IT and technology and works 8 sessions per week. He works closely with our IT, Nursing and Admin Teams to ensure the practice is performing well under the National Quality Outcomes Framework.
Dr Azra Khan
Dr Khan is currently on maternity leave. She is due to return to the Practice in Autumn 2019.
Dr Mahesh Shah
Dr Shah joined the Practice in 2016 as a Salaried GP. He has a keen interest in diet and nutrition and its impact on long term conditions.
Dr Debbie Rozewicz
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday - all day Tuesday - morning only Wednesday - not in Thursday - all day Friday - morning only
Special interests
Dr Debbie Rozewicz leads the child health clinic. She sits on the nursing committee and is our practice trainer overseeing the completion of training for our GP Registrars. Dr Rozewicz is also the practice Safeguarding Lead. She works 6 sessions per week.
GMC General Medical Council number
FRCGP Fellow Royal College of General Practitioners 1989
Dr Mike Malone
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday - all day Tuesday - all day Wednesday - all day Thursday - all day Friday - not in
Special interests
Dr Malone is the Managing Partner and works 8 sessions a week. He is trained in minor surgery and runs a bi-monthly minor surgery clinic.
GMC General Medical Council number
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 1990
Dr Kusem Paul
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday - all day Tuesday - all day Wednesday - morning only Thursday - all day Friday - morning only
Special interests
Dr Kusem Paul has a special interest in women's health and care of the elderly. She works 8 sessions per week.
GMC General Medical Council number
BS Bachelor of Surgery 1984
Dr Daniel Goldwater
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday - all day Tuesday - all day Wednesday - morning only Thursday - morning only Friday - all day
Special interests
Dr Goldwater is involved with ongoing computer and technology development. He has a special interest in joint problems and runs a weekly joint injection clinic. He works closely with the Patient Participation Group to ensure patient views are taken on board in the ongoing develop of the practice. He is also our Caldicott Guardian. He works 8 sessions per week.
GMC General Medical Council number
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 1995
Dr Kamal Hussain
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday - not in Tuesday - all day Wednedsay - all day Thursday - all day Friday - all day
Special interests
Dr Kamal Hussain joined Simpson House as a GP Partner in September 2006. He has a special interest in IT and technology and works 8 sessions per week. He works closely with our IT, Nursing and Admin Teams to ensure the practice is performing well under the National Quality Outcomes Framework.
GMC General Medical Council number
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2002
Dr Azra Khan
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Dr Khan is currently on maternity leave. She is due to return to the Practice in Autumn 2019.
Special interests
Dr Azra Khan joined us as a 6 session GP in March 2015 having previously undertaken part of her training at the Practice. She has a specialist interest in Women's Health.
GMC General Medical Council number
MB MB 2010
Dr Mahesh Shah
General Practitioner
Special interests
Dr Shah joined the Practice in 2016 as a Salaried GP. He has a keen interest in diet and nutrition and its impact on long term conditions.
GMC General Medical Council number
MB MB 2011
Dr Nicole Fernandes
General Practitioner
Dr Fernandes returned to the Practice as a Salaried GP in 2018 after previously training here under the supervision of Dr Goldwater.
She has a keen interest in children's health.
Surgery hours
Tuesday morning & Friday morning
GMC General Medical Council number
MB MB 2009
Practice nursing team
Joanna Cowley
Practice Nurse
Jo joined the practice in March 2018 and is our Infection Control Lead.
She has been instrumental in the implementation of our Cervical Screening Programme and along with our IT Manager, Jak, had a huge impact on the number of patients attending to have their smear test.
Surgery hours
Monday - all day, Tuesday - all day, Wednesday - all day, Thursday - all day, Friday - not in
Shelly Tejani
Practice Nurse
Shelly joined the practice in 2012 and works one day a week.
Shelly has a special interest in care of the elderly.
Surgery hours
Friday - morning
Simone Morris
Practice Nurse
Simone joined the Practice in 2016 as our Enhanced Nurse. Her job is to support our most at risk and in need patients within their homes. She helps patients manage their long term conditions and takes an holistic approach to care planning.
She works closely with the District Nursing Team, Social Care and Voluntary organisations to try and ensure patients are receiving integrated care.
Maria Perez
Healthcare Assistant
Maria joined the practice in 2007 and is an exceptionally accomplished Healthcare Assistant.
She supports our Practice Nursing Team and provides ECGs, dressing changes, Spirometry, blood tests and injections.
Reception & administration staff
Ashley Porter
Practice Manager
Ashley Porter is our practice manager. She joined us in April 2012 and is in charge of the overall running of the practice.
She manages the Practice finances, human resources, IT and looks at how the practice is working and where improvements can be made.
She is the Complaints Manager and Information Governance Lead for the Practice and will deal with patient concerns.
Surgery hours
Ashley works full-time.
Debbie Doel
Reception Staff
Debbie Doel is our reception manager and has been with Simpson House for over 25 years.
She oversees the smooth running of reception and the reception team. She also manages the appointment system and is continuously looking at ways to make improvements to our processes to ensure our patients get the best service.
After more than 20 years at Simpson House there is not a lot Debbie does not know about the Practice.
Surgery hours
Debbie works 4 days a week.
Jak Linsell
IT Co-Ordinator/ Manager
Jak joined the practice in August 2015 to take on the new role of IT, QOF and Admin Manager. He is responsible for the day to day management of all IT aspects of the practice as well as the implementation of QOF (Quality Outcomes Framework).
Surgery hours
Jak is full-time.
Reception & Admin Team
Reception Staff
We are very lucky to have an accomplished and dedicated Reception and Admin Team at the practice, many of whom have worked here for a number of years and know our patients by name.
We have a strong team ethos at the practice which all staff embrace and patient care is always at the forefront of the way we work.
Asthma Clinic - Asthma ClinicAll patients with asthma or chronic lung disease are advised to have a review of their condition at least once a year. Clinics for review and monitoring of these conditions are held regularly by appointment with the practice nurse
Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiationAll diabetic patients are advised to attend at least annually for a full check-up (including a blood test) at least annually. Clinics are held weekly by appointment with the practice nurse
Dietician - provided in house and available on NHSA community dietician attends Simpson House weekly to offer advice on diet, weight reduction and diabetic diets. If you would like to see the dietician, you should discuss this with your doctor who will arrange a referral if appropriate
This service requires a referral by your GP
Learning disability health checkMinor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery
Dr Malone carries out minor surgical procedures two Tuesdays a month with the assistance of our Healthcare Assistant, Maria. If you think you need such treatment, please consult your doctor who will advise whether the treatment can be carried out safely in the surgery. There is a short waiting list for minor surgery. Please bear with us as sometimes, emergencies have to be carried out at short notice.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Travel health with yellow feverPlease make an appointment at least 4 weeks in advance of your trip to ensure adequate cover. A charge will be made for certain immunisations and vaccinations which are not covered by the NHS. A list of these charges is held at reception.
The Surgery is an authorised Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre
- Braille translation service (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Signing service available (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Baby changing facility (yes)
- Children's play area (yes)
- Pram park (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)