Dr Krishan Kant - Forest House Medical Ctr

Phone:  01162898XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: 2a Park Drive, Leicester Forest East, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE3 3FN
Location: Leicester
Area: City of Leicester
County: Leicestershire
Country: England

Dr Krishan Kant
Dr Pritesh Mistry



Dr Alex Milton

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Sarah Kinnell

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Krishan Kant

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Niksha Ranpura

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Andrew Ahyow

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Ricky Badiani

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number



MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2007

Dr Pritesh Mistry

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Practice nursing team

Mrs Sue King

Nurse Practitioner

Mrs Joy Armstrong

Nurse Practitioner

Mrs Susan Morgan

Practice Nurse

Mrs Louise Power

Practice Nurse


Anticoagulant monitoring and dosing - provided in-house

Available at this Branch: Forest House Medical Centre

This service accepts patients once stabilised on anticoagulation therapy.

INR levels checked and dosage given at same appointment.

INR Clinics are at Forest House Medical Centre
Monday PM
Tuesday AM and PM
Weds PM
Thursday AM

This service requires a referral by your GP

Asthma Clinic

Appointments are available throughout the week.

Aims :
1. To promote effective education and self management for patients with a diagnosis of asthma.
2. To ensure patients with a diagnosis of asthma are on the most appropriate treatment
3. To improve patients quality of life and reduce acute attacks..

Please contact the Nurse Receptionists.

Child health and development

Our Doctors and Health Visitors carry out a range of development checks.
Our Health Visitor Team can be contacted on 0116 2953397.

Child Immunisations

Childhood Immunisations clinic is held every Friday Morning at Forest House Medical Centre.
The Practice Nurses can also offer advice on a range of immunisations and infectious diseases. These include the new vaccines now available for cervical cancer prevention, tetanus boosters, pneumonia and flu vaccinations and many others.

COPD clinic with spirometry

Appointments are available throughout the week.

Aims :
1. To establish accurate diagnosis and severity of COPD.
2. To monitor COPD progression and response to medication.
3. To tailor medication to patients individual needs.

Please contact the Nurse Receptionists.

Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiation

Appointments available at Forest House Medical Centre and Warren Lane throughout the week


1. To establish early diagnosis of diabetes and prevent complications.
2. To educate patients in the reduction of risk factors such as smoking/diet etc .
3. To encourage self management and monitoring of blood glucose levels.

Please contact Practice Nurse reception

Drug and alcohol Services

Drug and Alcohol Specialist clinic every Wednesday afternoon at Forest House Medical Centre.

Appointments available through GP referral.

This service requires a referral by your GP

Learning disability health check
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)

The Practice also offers a full range of contraceptive services. These include the oral pill, long acting injections, implants and IUCD (coil) Fitting. For pill advice and the injections see the Practice Nurses . They can also give verbal advice about all contraceptive methods and help decide which may be best suited to you.
Dr Ranpura offers appointments for IUD / Implant fitting and removal after prior consultation.


Daily phlebotomy clinics available weekday mornings at Forest House Medical Centre

Please note blood tests are strictly by referral from GP/nurse or hospital

This service requires a referral by your GP

Physiotherapy - provided in house and available on NHS

Physiotherapy appointments are available on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons at Warren Lane

Appointments are strictly by GP referral only

This service requires a referral by your GP

Primary care counselling service

Both High and Low intensity counselling is offered at the surgery.

Access to this service is through your GP.

This service requires a referral by your GP

Travel health without yellow fever

Please contact Practice Nurse reception

The Practice Nurses run dedicated travel clinics each week. These are for patients who plan to travel abroad and need Vaccinations, malaria advice and general advice to help ensure safe, healthy travel. The practice provides a Travel Form which needs to be filled out and returned to the surgery , ideally 6 weeks before you travel, as you may require a course of vaccinations and all vaccinations take 14 days to take effect.


  • Disabled parking (yes)
  • Disabled WC (yes)
  • Induction loop (yes)
  • Signing service available (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Step free access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
  • Disabled parking (yes)
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