Dr MANDEEP S BHANDAL - Balsall Common and Meriden Group Practice
Website: Website
Address: 1 Ashley Drive, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 7RW
Location: Coventry
Area: Coventry District
County: West Midlands
Country: England
Dr Bhandal works at both surgeries. Please contact the relevant surgery to book an appointment.
General Practitioner
Dr Bhandal works at both surgeries. Please contact the relevant surgery to book an appointment.
You are also able to book an appointment online once you have obtained a username and password from the Practice
Surgery hours
Tuesday AM and Wednesday PM
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
General Practitioner
To arrange an appointment with Dr Barratt please telephone the relavant surgery where your medical records are held. You are able to book appointments online if you have contacted the practice to obtain your username and password
Surgery hours
Monday Morning,Thursday Morning and Friday Afternoon
Special interests
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Practitioner
SPECIALIST INSTERESTS - MINOR SURGERY (eg Excision of cysts/skin tags, FAMILY PLANNING including Coil Fitting(Family Planning Certificate 1987) Joint Injections/Soft Tissue Injections Sexual Health Medicine Paediatrics Dr Carlile works at both Surgeries For appointment availability please contact the relevant surgery
You are able to book appointments online once you have obtained a username and password from the practice
Surgery hours
Works at Balsall Common Monday AM & PM, TUesday PM, Thursday AM and Friday AM & PM
Special interests
Minor Surgery & Family Planning
GMC General Medical Council number
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1984
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1984
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 1984
General Practitioner
Dr Horsley works at Balsall Common Surgery - Monday all day, Tuesday & Wednesday all day, Friday all day. Please telephone reception to arrange an appointment
Works at Meriden surgery Thursday AM unless covering GP holidays
If you would like to book GP appointments online please contact the surgery to obtain a username and password
Surgery hours
Works Mon all day, Tuesday & Wednesday all day, Thursday am and Friday all day
Special interests
Respiratory lead for the practice
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Practitioner
Please telephone the relevant surgery to book an appointment. Alternatively you can now book your appointments online. Please contact the surgery to obtain a username and password
Surgery hours
Monday all day, Tuesday pm, Wednesday all day, Thursday am and Friday pm
Special interests
Minor Surgery
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Alternate Monday AM & PM Tuesday PM Wednesday AM & PM Friday AM & PM
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCS Member Royal College of Surgeons
General Practitioner
Dr Whitehead works across both surgeries. Please telephone the appropriate surgery where you are registered to arrange an appointment. You are able to book appointments online also providing you have obtained your username and password from the practice
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, & Friday all day at Balsall Common
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Practice nursing team
Practice Nurse
Carries out all treatment room duties except 24hr BP, Travel, Baby Imms, Smoking and Cervical smears/swabs For appointment availability please contact the relevant surgery
Practice Nurse
SPECIALIST INTERESTS - COPD, ASthma, Smoking - Respiratory Nurse Covers all treatment room duties For appointment availability please contact the relvant surgery
Practice Nurse
Works a variety of hours from both Balsall Common & Meriden Surgeries. Carries out all treatment room duties
Nurse Practitioner
Covers all treatment room duties Holds clinics at both Blasall Common and Meriden Surgeries. For appointment availability please contact the relevant surgery
Mrs Wendy Powell
Practice Nurse
Works a variety of hours from Meriden and Balsall Common surgeries. For all treatment room duties
Reception & administration staff
Reception Staff
Surgery hours
Works Monday 1-6.15pm, Tuesday 1 - 6.15pm, Wednesday 8.15 - 2.00pm, Thursday 8.15 - 12.30pm, Friday 8.15 - 6.15pm
Surgery hours
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 1.30pm
Jane N
Works at Balsall Common surgery Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Surgery hours
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM
Linda L
Linda works on prescriptions at Balsall Common Surgery only Wednesday PM, Thursday AM and Friday All Day.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AM Linda carries out administration tasks as and when required
Surgery hours
Works Wednesday PM, Thursday AM and Friday All Day
Works from Balsall Common Surgery, Monday all day, Tuesday all day & Wednesday all day Please contact the secretary at the relevant surgery Both secretaries cover both surgeries during holiday periods etc. Mary is also the Co-ordinator for the In-House ENT Clinic. ENT Contact number is 01676 536844
Surgery hours
Monday all day, Tuesday all day and Wednesday all day
Kate carries out a variety of administration tasks required by the Practice Manager
Kate also covers Reception at Balsall Common as and when required and Thursday mornings
Surgery hours
Monday all day Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday AM Friday until 4pm
Responsible for new patient registrations, Health & Safety, GP2GP link and various other Administration tasks Works at Balsall Common Surgery only
Surgery hours
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM Friday
Deena carries out a range of duties set out by the Practice Manager. Deena works at Balsall Common Surgery Only
Surgery hours
Monday all day Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday all day Friday all day
Mrs Joanne Hope
Mrs Hope MA is in charge of the overall day-to-day running of the Practice. Mrs Hope works from both practices on a variety of days but is primarily based at Balsall Common surgery
Other staff
Health Care Assistant (HCA)
Carries out New Patient Checks, Blood pressure readings, 24 hour BP monitoring, Blood tests, weight/diet and ECGs For appointment availability please contact the relevant surgery
Anticoagulant monitoring and dosing - provided in-house - INR - Warfarin MonitoringClinics are held at Balsall Common surgery on Friday mornings by appointment only with Hazel or Sarah
Asthma Clinic - Asthma ClinicTo discuss your asthma needs, monitor your asthma/peak flow, make changes to your asthma medication if required
Child Immunisations - Child ImmunisationsFor all baby/childhood immunisations please telephone the surgery to make an appointment
Chiropody - provided in house and available on NHS - Chiropody (Foot Health)A referral is needed for this service.
Clinics are Locally at a variety of locations. It is no longer a clinic that is available at Balsall Common Surgery
This service requires a referral by your GP
COPD clinic with spirometryYour GP will advise you if you need to book into this clinic
Dermatology specialist clinic - Dermatology In HouseDermatology In House Clinics will be held at Balsall Common surgery
This service requires a referral by your GP
Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiation - Diabetes ClinicBoth Sarah and Sara hold regular clinics at Balsall Common and the Meriden Surgery. You will usually be sent a recall/invite letter to attend this clinic. If you think your Diabetes check is overdue please telephone the relevant surgery</span>
Dressings clinic (nurse led)Our District Nursing Team offer a wide range of support/medical care in the community, please telephone the relevant surgery to obtain more details
Drug and alcohol Services - SIASWe are able to refer you and your family to an outside agency
This service requires a referral by your GP
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist clinic - In House ENT ClinicThese clinics are appointment only. A GP referral is required. If you have any queries regarding the ENT clinic please contact the Co-ordinator Mary Jones on 01676 536832, option 4, Mon-Weds 8.45am-4.00pm or alternatively Joanne Hope 01676 531716. The clinic is for over 16 year olds only . We do offer appointments at other venues within the SOlihull area, please let the GP or Mary know if you are prepared to travel to another clinic
This service requires a referral by your GP
Joint injections - Minor Op- Joint InjectionsSome joint injections can be carried out in our minor ops suite at Balsall Common surgery. A GP referral is needed
This service requires a referral by your GP
Learning disability health checkLong-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant) - IUDs
These appointments are avialable during the GPs surgery times, please telephone the relevant surgery to arrange an appointment
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Ops ClinicBoth GPs offer Minor Op procedures at Balsall Common Surgery, minimising the number of patients who need to attend a hospital appointment for their procedure. A GP referral is required.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Obesity management clinic - Weight Management ClinicAdult weight management advice. Patient do not need a GP referral they can self refer. Please contact the surgery to book an appointment
Pharmacy available on-site - Lloyds PharmacyThere is an on-site pharmacy at the new Balsall Common Health Centre
Phlebotomy - PhlebotomyPlease telephone the surgery to book your appointment. Please also adise the receptionist if your appointment is for a Fasting Blood Test
Physiotherapy - provided in house and available on NHS - PhysiotherapyThis service is arranged by the MSK Service
This service requires a referral by your GP
Smoking cessation clinic - Smoking CessationFor all patients registered at the Practice who require help and supoprt to give up smoking. Our Reception staff will be able to advise when these clinics are available
Travel health with yellow feverFor all your travel advice and vaccinations
please telephone the surgery to make an appointment
This is a Nurse-Led clinic
This service requires a referral by your GP
Vasectomy - Male SterilsationThis is provided as an outside service
This service requires a referral by your GP
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)