Dr Meeta Duggal - Fernville Surgery
Website: Website
Address: Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BL
Location: Hemel Hempstead
Area: Dacorum District
County: Hertfordshire
Country: England
Dr Meeta Duggal
Dr Ashish Patel
Dr Sonal Mapara
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Dr. Rajeshkumar Mapara
GP Partner
Dr Mapara is the Practice Clinical Lead and Prescribing Lead. He is an accredited GP Trainer and Medical Research Lead for the Practice.
Special interests
Training and Research
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1983
Other languages
Dr Ann Shipley-Rowe
GP Partner
Special interests
Women's Health, Sexual Health, Contraception, Child Health
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1984
Dr Meeta Duggal
GP Partner
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2004
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Other languages
Dr Ashish Patel
GP Partner
Special interests
Dermatology, Minor Surgery, Articular (joint) Injections & Musculoskeletal Medicine
GMC General Medical Council number
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2002
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Rebecca Louise Asquith
GP Partner
Special interests
Family Planning, Specialist Deep Implant Removals
GMC General Medical Council number
BM Bachelor of Medicine 2005
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
DFSRH Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Dr Olivia Versluys
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2011
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Sonal Mapara
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2009
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
DFSRH Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Other languages
Dr Aliya Razaaq
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2010
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Frances Waite
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2012
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
DFSRH Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Practice nursing team
Mrs Lesley Stone
Nurse Practitioner
Our Nurse Practitioner is expert in minor illness and can deal with many urgent problems. She is a qualified Nurse Prescriber.
Rachel Bell
Nurse Practitioner
Mrs Claire Lenane
Senior Practice Nurse
Miss Joy Laude
Practice Nurse
Sally Chakraverty
Practice Nurse
Kirsty Hawes
Practice Nurse
Mrs Julie Sweeting
Healthcare Assistant
Reception & administration staff
Mr Mark Jones
Managing Partner
Mr Jones has overall responsibility for the management and administration of the Practice. He also works as a consultant, helping other healthcare providers develop their businesses.
Mr Kaushal Dave
Operations Manager
Mr Kaushal Dave is responsible for the day to day running of the practice, providing support and deputising for the Managing Partner.
Ms Mandy Curtis
Patient Services Manager
Mandy Curtis is responsible for ensuring we provide a high standard of patient care and helping patients make the best use of our services. If a patient wishes to speak to a manager or make a complaint, Mandy is the person who will respond. Mandy is also our nominated 'Carers Champion'.
Asthma Clinic - Management of long-term conditionsWherever possible, we provide appointments for all clinical needs throughout the working week. This offers patients far more choice than the traditional approach in which 'clinics' are offered at set times (for the benefit of doctors and nurses, rather than the patient).
Our receptionists will be delighted to discuss your needs with you and help you find the most convenient appointment time.
The clinic provides 8-week checks and baby immunisations.
Tuesdays - By appointment only
Thursdays - You may walk in without an appointment from 1.15-2.30pm.
Wherever possible, we provide appointments for all clinical needs throughout the working week. This offers patients far more choice than the traditional approach in which 'clinics' are offered at set times (for the benefit of doctors and nurses, rather than the patient).
Our receptionists will be delighted to discuss your needs with you and help you find the most convenient appointment time.
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)
We can fit or remove IUD contraceptives for patients of other Practices as well as our own. Please make an appointment.
Please make an appointment with your GP to discuss your problem. He/she will decide whether to refer you to our in-house Minor Surgery service. All procedures have to be pre-approved by West Herts Primary Care Trust.
Your doctor will refer you to our in-house counselling service if this would be helpful to you.
We provide an evening service for the convenience of patients who work during the day.
Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse for travel immunisations and advice.
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Baby changing facility (yes)
- Pram park (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)