Dr Milesh Gohil - Riverside Surgery
Website: Website
Address: Dr Swindlehurst and Partners, Waterside, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 1JP
Location: Evesham
Area: Wychavon District
County: Worcestershire
Country: England
Dr Milesh Gohil
Dr. Amanda Swindlehurst
General Practitioner
Special interests
Safeguarding Lead, Child Health, Epilepsy, Staff HR, CQC Registered Manager
GMC General Medical Council number
DA Diploma in Anaesthetics
DCH Diploma in Child Health
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1988
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr David Herold
General Practitioner
Special interests
Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Dispensary Lead, Finance, PCE Prescribing Lead
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1991
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Paul Nederlof
General Practitioner
ARTSEXAMEN Qualified 1994 Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Special interests
Minor surgery, Family planning, Joint injections, CVS, Medical student trainer, IT Lead, Caldicott Guardian & Data Protection Lead
GMC General Medical Council number
DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine
GP General Practitioner
Other languages
Dr Liza Chong
General Practitioner
Special interests
Family planning, Cytology, Palliative care Lead
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1999
Dr Milesh Gohil
General Practitioner
Special interests
Minor surgery, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Joint injections, Dispensary, Finance, Safety Alert Lead
GMC General Medical Council number
BM Bachelor of Medicine 2004
Dr Richard Ben Lewis
General Practitioner
Special interests
GP Trainer, Dementia, Frailty, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
GMC General Medical Council number
DCH Diploma in Child Health
DGM Diploma in Geriatric Medicine
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2000
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Neill Bramble
General Practitioner
Special interests
Medical student trainer, Emergency planning Lead, Significant Event Lead, PCE Referral Lead, PCN Clinical Director, PACE Setter Lead, Park Run Lead, Miltilary Veteran Lead, Staff HR
GMC General Medical Council number
ChB Bachelor of Surgery
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MB MB 2005
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Practice nursing team
Mrs Sharon Spiers
Healthcare Assistant
Surgery hours
Nursing Team Manager
Reception & administration staff
Mrs Lucy Anne Jones
Practice Manager
Mrs Tina Condie
Assistant Practice Manager
Other staff
Mrs Jayne Mobberley
Clinical Pharmacist
Mr Bhavik Chavda
Anticoagulant monitoring and dosing - provided in-houseThis service requires a referral by your GP
Asthma ClinicThis Practice Nurse-run asthma clinic provides advice and ongoing support for newly diagnosed and established asthmatics. All aspects of care are provided including assessing symptoms, triggers and treatments as well as self-management plans. Adjustments to medication and devices may be made if appropriate and prescriptions issued in liaison with Doctors.
All new patients with asthma registering with the Practice are invited to attend the Asthma Clinic and annually thereafter if well controlled.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Baby clinic with health visitorChild health and development
Child Immunisations
Child development checks form part of the child health surveillance programme and are carried out at 8 weeks – see the immunisation schedule.
If your child is due any immunisations a reminder will be sent for you to attend Surgery. Immunisations cannot be administered without parental consent. Therefore if a grandparent is bringing the baby, written consent must be brought with the child and pre-signed by the parent. Social Services must also give written consent if the child is under the care of Social Services.
This chronic lung disease, primarily caused by smoking, can be very debilitating. This Practice Nurse-run clinic aims to improve quality of life for patients and control symptoms. An annual check provides an opportunity to assess lung function and monitor disease progression, address lifestyle issues and give support and advice.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiationIf you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you will require regular monitoring of your condition. This will mainly be performed by the Practice Nurse who will liaise with your Doctor about any specific therapies required. Our overall aim is to enable the patient with diabetes, by the means of education and discussion, to take responsibility for their day to day diabetes care.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Dressings clinic (nurse led)This service requires a referral by your GP
Flu ClinicHormonal injections/implants
This service requires a referral by your GP
Learning disability health checkLong-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)
This service requires a referral by your GP
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-houseThe Practice offers a minor surgery service for procedures such as removal of ingrowing toe nails, warts and moles. You will need to make an appointment with a Doctor first to discuss your condition and the Doctor will then decide if this is suitable for treatment at the Surgery.
If suitable, you will be put on our waiting list for a further appointment in a Minor Surgery Clinic. At the present time Dr Paul Nederlof and Dr Milesh Gohil hold Minor Surgery Clinics to which any of the Doctors can refer.
For all minor surgery appointments, please can you arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment to complete the pre-surgery paperwork.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Pharmacy available on-siteOur team of five fully qualified dispensing assistants (supervised by a practice pharmacist) are available at all times to offer a wide range of professional and beneficial services to our registered dispensing patients. We can also provide a dispensing service to any registered patient living more than one mile from their nearest pharmacy.
PhlebotomyThis service requires a referral by your GP
Travel health without yellow feverIf you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with a Practice Nurse at least 6 weeks before you travel.
Our Travel Clinics are very busy and it is advisable to make arrangements to have your travel vaccinations in good time as last minute appointments are very seldom available. If we cannot offer you a suitable appointment there are alternative travel clinics, details of which can be found through MASTA Travel Health Website
Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because travel vaccination is not included in the services provided by the NHS and therefore is a chargeable service.
Please call the surgery on 01386 444400 to find out the current price list for any of the travel vaccinations you require.
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Baby changing facility (yes)
- Children's play area (yes)
- Parent and baby room (yes)
- Pram park (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)