Dr N Chandra And Partners
Website: Website
Address: 1St Floor Ravensthorpe Health Centre, Netherfield Road, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF13 3JY
Location: Dewsbury
Area: Kirklees District
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
Dr Natarajan Chandra
Dr Anand Ramasamy
Languages: Tamil
Dr Natarajan Chandra
General Practitioner
Senior Partner and Clinical Lead
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Special interests
GPwSI Endoscopy
GMC General Medical Council number
DipOccMed Diploma in Occupational Medicine
FRCS Fellow Royal College of Surgeons
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Other languages
Dr sharmala Ramalingam
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Special interests
GP Partner Safeguarding Lead for Children and young adults GP Trainer 3rd Year Medical Students
GMC General Medical Council number
DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Other languages
Dr Anand Ramasamy
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wed, Friday
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCS Member Royal College of Surgeons
MS Master of Surgery
Dr Arief Ahamed
General Practitioner
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wed am, Thursday
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Practice nursing team
Sister Michelle Render
Practice Nurse
Diploma Respiratory Disease Management in Primary care
Surgery hours
surgery Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays
Sister Alison Lansdale
Practice Nurse
Diploma Asthma, Diabetes, CHD
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Sister Gillian Brearley
Practice Nurse
General Nursing L1 1998
Post Graduate Long Term Conditions 2007
Sister Joanne Lumb
Community Midwife
Abigail Lumb
Healthcare Assistant
Mrs Deborah North
Nurse Practitioner
Surgery hours
Diploma of Higher Education Huddersfield University Nursing Adult Branch Feb 2000 BS with Honours Community Nursing Practice (District Nursing) Huddersfield University 2010 Minor Illnesses Management
Nurse Practitioner Deborah (Debbie) North
Nurse Practitioner
Debbie is a part of our Doctor and Advanced Nurse Practitioner Team - she is a Nurse Practitioner who deals with all minor illnesses
Surgery hours
Tuesday to Friday
Reception & administration staff
Mrs Elaine Oldroyd
Practice Manager
Mrs Andrea Wimpenny
Practice Secretary
RSA stage 1, 2, 3 Distinction
RSA Shorthand 60,80 WPM
LCC Shorthand 70,80,90 Distinction
YHCFE Typewriting with Credit
YHCFE Audio Typewriting with Merit
Mr Justin Wood
Practice Manager
Surgery hours
Justin is the Office Manager and Complaints Manager
Miss Clair-Marie Spragg
Reception Staff
Mrs Julie Mitchell
Mrs Rachael Atkinson
IM&T and Information Security Officer Choose & Book Co-ordinator NVQ LEVEL 3 BUSINESS ADMIN
Sarah Senior
NVQ L2 Business Administration
NVQ L3 Business Admin
BTEC L4 Business Admin
Julie Mitchell
Reception Staff
NVQ L2 Business Administration
Miss Jessica Brown
Reception Staff
Administrator and Reception
Mr Chrstopher Davidson
Reception Staff
Mrs Jennifer Joof
Reception Staff
Rebecca Kendall
Reception Staff
Nafisa Khan
Reception Staff
NVQ L2 Customer Service
Claire Scott
Reception Staff
Senior Receptionist
NVQ L2 Customer Service
Certificate in Primary Care Health Administration
Surgery hours
Claire is the Senior Receptionist
Miss Kay Winfield
Reception Staff
Mr Mahmood Yaqoob
Practice Manager
Practice Development and Personnel Development Manager (from 1/6/2020)
Post Graduate Certificate in Management
BA (Hons) Business Adminstration (2:1)
HND Business and Finance
Information Goverance/Data Secruity/GDPR Lead, CQC Admin Management Lead
Other staff
Advanced Nurse Practitioner Joanne Mckeeman
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Joanne Mckeeman is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner who works as part of our GP Team and can diagnose, refer patients, prescribe medications and order clinical tests.
Surgery hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday sessions
HCA Debbie Brown
Healthcare Assistant
Surgery hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
HCA/TNA Zoe Firth
Healthcare Assistant
NVQ L3 Health - General Health Support
Certificate of higher Education Primary Care
Zoe is currently on the Trainee Nurse Associate Programme
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Friday
HCA Naomi Chandra
Healthcare Assistant
Health & Social Care BTEC Diploma EDI L2 Certificate in Health & Social Care
Surgery hours
Tuesday, Wed am, Thursday, Friday am.
Asthma ClinicThis service requires a referral by your GP
COPD clinic with spirometryThis service requires a referral by your GP
Drug and alcohol Services - LIFELINEAppointments provided by life line and booked by that service.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Learning disability health checkLong-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant) - Coil fitting
IUD/IUS services are available, counselling, filling and removal with the Doctor. We have a female G.P. if you would prefer.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-houseMinor surgery is carried out by
Dr. N. Chandra – MBBS, FRCS, D.Occ.Med, MRCGP and Dr Anand Ramasamy MB BS M.S MRCS MRCGP
This service requires a referral by your GP
Obesity management clinic - NHS Health Check ClinicThe NHS Health Check is aimed at Preventing Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes and Kidney Disease. The appointments are aimed at Patients between 40 to 74 years of age who do not have a current Long Term Condition. Please contact the surgery for further details.
This service requires a referral by your GP
PhlebotomyWe provide in house Phlebotomy services for internal and (external patients by GP referral). We do not conduct this service for hard to bleed patients and patients under 9 years of age.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Smoking cessation clinicPlease contact the surgery; you can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse or we can refer you to Kirklees Stop Smoking Service.
We offer a full range of vaccinations for foreign travel EXCEPT YELLOW FEVER. Please contact the Practice Nurse Secretary Andrea Wimpenny on 01924 351520 ask for ext: 1632. It is important that you complete a travel vaccination request form at least 6 weeks before you are due to travel so that immunisation status and requirements can be assessed by one of our Practice Nurses.
You will need to complete a form for each person travelling and it is important that you complete all of the details in full. Please note that NOT ALL travel vaccinations are free of charge for example anyone travelling to Saudi Arabia will require ACWY vaccination and a confirmation certificate of vaccination in order to obtain a visa which is a requirement of the Saudi Government. The cost of this vaccination and certificate is £ 40.00 per person.
Our practice nurse appointments are booked well in advance it is essential that you attend for the appointment allocated.
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Baby changing facility (yes)
- Pram park (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)