Dr Neil Shroff - Keyworth Medical Practice

Phone:  01159373XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: Bunny Lane, Keyworth, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5JU
Location: Nottingham
Area: City of Nottingham
County: Nottinghamshire
Country: England

Dr Neil Shroff
Dr Asifa Akhtar
Dr Gurvinder Sahota
Dr Sukhveer Sandhu



Dr Jill Margaret Langridge

General Practitioner

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Neil Shroff

General Practitioner

Neil joined the practice in May 2005 as a GP locum, after finishing the Nottingham Vocational Training Scheme. He progressed to assistantship, then partnership in April 2007. He qualified in 1995 at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School . He initially trained in surgery and completed basic surgical training in Norwich . He specialised in plastic surgery and worked in several hospitals around the UK , but decided family life was more important so trained as a GP. He has a special interest in minor surgery and skin cancer, working closely with Consultant Dermatologists and running the Principia Community Dermatological Service from Keyworth Medical Practice. He has a diploma in Clinical Dermatology (Barts & London). He is married with 2 children.

GMC General Medical Council number



BSc Bachelor of Science

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Louise Glasgow

General Practitioner

Louise qualified in Oxford in 1997 and initially trained in paediatrics in Nottingham, before moving in to general practice.  She has a special interest in paediatrics, child health and dermatology.  She moved from a partnership in north Nottingham to become a partner at Keyworth Medical Practice in July 2011.  She is married to a respiratory consultant, and they have three young boys.

GMC General Medical Council number



BCh Bachelor of Surgery

BM Bachelor of Medicine

DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine

DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

MRCP Member Royal College of Physicians

Dr Asifa Akhtar

General Practitioner

Asifa joined the Practice in October 2011 after completing the Nottingham Vocational Training Scheme.  She qualified from Warwick Medical School in 2004.  She has a background in pharmacy and enjoys teaching.  She is married to a GP and they have three young children.

GMC General Medical Council number



BSc Bachelor of Science

ChB Bachelor of Surgery

DRACOG Diploma Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Alan Carr

General Practitioner

Qualified at Manchester Medical School in 1983, and completed vocational training there before joining his first practice in the West Midlands in 1987, where he was a partner for twenty years.  He moved to Nottingham in 2008 following his marriage to a local resident the previous year, and worked as a locum in several Nottingham City Practices.  He joined Keyworth Medical Practice initially as a locum in 2009, before succeeding Dr Andrew Wood as Partner.  He has three grown children.  As a true Stretford-Ender he is allowed to support Manchester United.

GMC General Medical Council number



ChB Bachelor of Surgery

DRACOG Diploma Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


Dr Jim Hamilton

General Practitioner

Jim joined the Practice in 2004.  He qualified at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London in 1985.  He was a GP in Clifton (Nottingham) for eleven years before becoming a partner at Keyworth.  Jim is also the Medical Director of the Nottingham NHS Walk in Centre.  He has worked to develop minor illness nursing at the out of hours service in Nottingham, the Walk in Centre, and numerous practices in Nottingham.  Jim is married with two children, and his hobbies included golf, gardening and computing.


GMC General Medical Council number



BS Bachelor of Surgery

ChB Bachelor of Surgery

DRACOG Diploma Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Gurvinder Sahota

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Tuesday Friday

GMC General Medical Council number


Dr Sukhveer Sandhu

General Practitioner

Sukhveer joined the Practice in January 2015.  He qualified at Birmingham Medical School in 2009, and completed his vocational training in 2014.  He then moved back to Nottingham having recently married.  His wife is currently training in anaesthetics and Queens Medical Centre.  In addition to working at Keyworth, he works as a locum GP at various practices in Nottingham.  His interests outside of work include football, cricket and travelling he is an avid Manchester United Supporter.

GMC General Medical Council number



DRACOG Diploma Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Suzanne Sivanandan

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Monday Wednesday Thursday

GMC General Medical Council number


Practice nursing team

Nurse Ryan Ilott

Practice Nurse

Nurse Louise Lee

Practice Nurse

Nurse Linda Pigott

Practice Nurse

Nurse Juanitia Yeung

Practice Nurse

Reception & administration staff

Mrs Michelle Broutta

Practice Manager


Asthma Clinic - Asthma Clinic

Why treat asthma? The reason is simple. If it is left untreated or inadequately treated it can damage the lungs permanently, leading to breathing problems in middle or old age. The aim of our treatment is to keep asthma at bay, keep asthmatics out of hospital (by preventing severe asthma), and prevent permanent lung damage.

Child health and development - Child Health Surveillance (CHS)

Developmental checks on the under fives are important. The details are set out in the "Red book" that is the parent held record. Each child that is born or an under five moving into this practice is contacted by a health visitor to make sure progress with the aid of the Red Book is up to date. This includes immunisations.
Some medical checks are included and done by doctors certified to undertake Child Health Surveillance. At Keyworth this is Dr Doug Jenkinson, Dr Jill Langridge and Dr Julie O'Donoghue. These doctors work in close association with the health visitors to provide a comprehensive and cohesive service.

Family health visitors (Public Health Practitioners)
Walk in clinic Mon 2.00pm – 4.00pm

There is a new 'Busy Babies Group'

Child Immunisations

You will be advised by your doctor when to make the appointments for your baby's initial set of vaccinations. For booster vaccinations, you will receive a letter from the Practice when these fall due.

Holiday vaccinations are dealt with separately - please refer to the travel health section of this web-site.

Learning disability health check
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)

Dr Jill Langridge offers IUD/IUS fitting, by prior appointment.

Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery

All the doctors except Dr O'Donoghue undertake minor surgical procedures at the medical centre. Arrangements are made during normal consultations and will include things like the removal of cysts from the skin under local anaesthetic, insertion of hormone implants, removal of ingrowing toenails and other skin lesions that need removal. We also inject joints with steroids for severe arthritis and other problems, and sometimes take fluid off joints or other parts.

These operations are done at special times when our minor operations room is set up for the purpose with nurse assistance.

We do not remove skin lesions for purely cosmetic purposes. This can be arranged by us by referring you to a private skin or plastic surgeon.

Pharmacy available on-site - Dispensary Service

We now have a pharmacy within the building and are able to dispense to anyone wishing to use this service

Phlebotomy - Blood Tests

There are 2 blood test (phlebotomy) clinics held every morning except Thursday - when there is only one - so if your doctor asks you to have a blood test when you see him or her during your morning appointment, it may well be possible for you to have the test carried out the same day. Blood tests cannot be taken in an afternoon because the samples are collected by the hospital for testing at lunchtime. For some blood tests you need to fast (ie eat nothing and drink only water or black tea) from midnight the previous day, and these appointments are therefore arranged as early as possible in the morning. In addition, certain types of blood tests - INR tests - cannot be carried out on a Friday unless we are instructed to do so by the hospital. We do not carry out blood tests unless these have been requested by your GP or hospital consultant.

Travel health with yellow fever

If you think you need travel advice please make an appointment to see one of our nurses who will check what you need according to the most up to date information and work out a programme for administering the immunisations that are required. Most are free but some that are not available under the NHS are charged for.

Modern travel to other countries can be a major health risk. Countries differ in the diseases you might catch and the type of holiday, hotel or backpacking can make a difference too. Even different parts of the same country can have different risks, as can the season you travel in.

Because a course of injections may need to be spread over several weeks it is most important that you see us at least 6 weeks before your departure.

Anti malaria tablets are not allowed on NHS prescriptions and need to be purchased from a chemist or from the health


  • Disabled parking (yes)
  • Induction loop (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
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