Dr Nigel Ashok Mohabir - Bridge Medical Centre
Website: Website
Address: Wassand Close, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1LL
Location: Crawley
Area: Crawley District
County: West Sussex
Country: England
Dr Nigel Ashok Mohabir
Dr Jhansi Rani Kamalakannan
Dr Babu Hussain
Dr Nigel Ashok Mohabir
General Practitioner
Dr Nigel Mohabir became Senior Partner in October 2014.
Special interests
Dr Mohabir has a special interest in Dermatology
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Rhoda Bronwin Bartman
General Practitioner
Special interests
Dr Bartman has special interests in Womens Health and Palliative Care
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Jhansi Rani Kamalakannan
General Practitioner
Dr Jhansi Kamalakannan who likes to be known as Dr Jhansi. Has been with us she February 2011 and is now a Partner.
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Babu Hussain
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Shajeena Rahiman
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Practice nursing team
Mrs Melissa Civale
Practice Nurse
Lead Practice Nurse Manager
Lesley Macconnell
Practice Nurse
Anita Woolsey
Practice Nurse
Mrs Nisha Wanand
Mrs Sue Wright
Other staff
Mrs Jackie Morris
Practice Business Manager
Mrs Sharon Harrison
Finance Manager
Asthma ClinicWe have a lead GP and Practice Nurse team who have a special interest in Asthma. They provide excellent care for all our Asthmatic patients, offering annual reviews to all patients on the Asthma register.
We have 2 GP Partners who work with our 2 Health Care Assistants in our regular weekly Baby clincs.
Our Practice has very close links with our Health Visiting team.
We have 2 GP partners who work closely with our Practice Nurse team (supported by our Health Care Assistants)to provide comphrehensive regular weekly clinics.
Child ImmunisationsOur Practice Nurse team work closely with the local Child Health Bureau to ensure all children registered with the practice are offered all relevant childhood vaccinations and immunisations.
They work to the Green Book regulations and under our local Primary Care Trust (PCT) Patient Group Directions.
We have a lead GP supported by our excellent COPD lead Practice Nurse to provide this service for our patients.
Learning disability health checkWe have a lead GP supported by excellent administration team. We offer annual health checks for the patients with a learning disability diagnosis
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-houseWe have 2 GP's who have special interest (known as GPwSI) in Minor Surgery.
Patients are reviewed in a normal routine appointment by the Doctor who is then able to offer an appointment currently on a Wednesday morning for the minor surgery to be carried out.
Our Phlebotomist and Health Care Assistants provide our phlebotomy service Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30 to 11.00am. The early morning appointments are usually made available to our patients who are fasting diabetics, whilst routine blood appointments are offered from 10.00 onwards.
Smoking cessation clinicWe actively encourage our patients who smoke to attend our Smoking Cessation appointments.
These are primarily offered by members of the Health Care Assistant team but can be offered by the Practice Nurse team too.
All clinicans actively encourage any patients who smoke to stop. We are committed to give all the help we can so as to help each patient stop smoking. This is also in line with the governments targets.
All Practice Nurses are able to advise our patients on all aspects of foreign travel.
We have a lead Practice Nurse who attends the statutory annual training update each year.
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Baby changing facility (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)