Dr SHAHID ABDUL RASHEED - Sherburn and Rillington Practice - Rillington Practice

Phone:  01944758XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: 43 Scarborough Road, Rillington, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8LQ
Location: Malton
Area: Ryedale District
County: North Yorkshire
Country: England





General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Tuesday early morning Thursday afternoon

GMC General Medical Council number



BM Bachelor of Medicine

BMedSci Bachelor of Medical Sciences

BS Bachelor of Surgery

DCH Diploma in Child Health

DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners


General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Monday morning Wednesday afternoon

Special interests

Family Planning, Minor Surgery, Acupuncture

GMC General Medical Council number



DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine

DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery


General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Monday afternoon Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning

Special interests

MSK Rheumatology

GMC General Medical Council number



MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners


General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Thursday morning Friday morning

Special interests

Tropical Medicine Minor Surgery Acupuncture

GMC General Medical Council number


Practice nursing team

Sister Erica Denton

Practice Nurse

Heart Disease, Care of the Elderly, Smoking Cessation

Surgery hours

Monday morning Monday afternoon Wednesday morning

Mrs Alison Horton

Practice Nurse

Surgery hours

Tuesday afternoon Wednesday afternoon

Mrs Paula Pomfret

Practice Nurse

Surgery hours

Tuesday early morning Friday afternoon

Mrs Patricia Porter


Surgery hours

Tuesday morning Thursday morning

Reception & administration staff

Mrs Janette Dunning

Reception Staff

Mrs Jane Grayson

Reception Staff


Acupuncture - Acupuncture

After an assessment we are able to offer you acupuncture by two of our GP Partners.

Asthma Clinic - Asthma Clinic

This clinic is run by our Practice Nurse, Paula, for those patients with diagnosed Asthma. Appointments can be made via reception or online and should be 20minutes long.

Child Immunisations - Child Immunisations

We provide the full range of child immunisations

COPD clinic with spirometry - COPD Clinic

We provide a COPD clinic to educate patients on self care and to monitor patients with this condition. We can also adjust treatment according to the patients needs

Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiation - Diabetes Clinic

This clinic is run by our Diabetes specialist nurse. She works very closely with the local diabetes team at Scarborough Hospital.
This service is for those patients who already have a diagnosis of Diabetes

Dressings clinic (nurse led) - Chronic wound service

Our experienced Practice nurses can help you with chronic wounds such as ulcers

Hormonal injections/implants - Hormone injections/implants

We can provide contraceptive services to those patients that choose and are suitable for hormone injections or implants

Joint injections - Joint injection clinic

After assessment you may be referred to our joint injection clinic. At present we inject major joints only. We can inject Shoulder, Knee and Ankle joints when appropriate and can also offer a range of soft tissue injections.

Learning disability health check
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant) - IUDs
Minor injuries - Minor Injuries

We will see patients with minor injuries. This is often triaged by our practice nurses. If they cannot deal with the injury then the duty GP will assess your injury and treat accordingly

Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery

This service will deal with some minor operations for patients. Unfortunately the removal of benign moles and is no longer available due to PCT funding restrictions.

Pharmacy available on-site - Dispensary Service
Smoking cessation clinic - Smoking cessation

We provide help for our smoking patients that wish to stop smoking.
This is a nurse led service

Travel health without yellow fever - Travel Health Clinic

This clinic is is provided by our practice nurses. We would ask that you fill out a form available from reception prior to booking with the nurse so that your travels needs can be assessed prior to your appointment.


  • Disabled WC (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Step free access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
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