Hilal Bahia
Phone: 0844939XXXX [Show Phone]
Address: Spire Murrayfield Hospital 122 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6UD
Address: Spire Murrayfield Hospital 122 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6UD
Treatments, operations and tests provided by Hilal Bahia
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- Arm lift
- Breast enlargement
- Breast reduction
- Breast uplift
- Brow lift
- Buttock implants
- Calf implants
- Cheek implants
- Chin implants
- Ear pinning
- Eye bag removal
- Eyelid reduction - Lower eyelids (Blepharoplasty)
- Eyelid reduction - Upper and Lower eyelids (Blepharoplasty)
- Eyelid reduction - Upper eyelids (Blepharoplasty)
- Facelift
- Lip reduction
- Liposuction
- Nipple correction
- Nose enlargement
- Nose reshaping
- Thigh lift
- Tummy tuck