Dr Hassan Saleem - Whitworth Medical Centre

Phone:  01706852XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 8QS
Location: Rochdale
Area: Rochdale District
County: Greater Manchester

Dr Hassan Saleem
Dr Saleem joined our practice in 2019 as a GP . He is a GP trainer and at times he has medical students and trainee GPs in the surgery under his wing.



Dr. Jessica Ormrod

General Practitioner

Dr Ormrod joined Whitworth Medical Centre in 1997.

Special interests

She is the practice lead for ischaemic heart disease, coil fitting, joint injections and clinical governance. As well as these areas she has an interest in elderly medicine and diabetes management.

GMC General Medical Council number



DCH Diploma in Child Health 1993

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1991

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 1996

DFSRH Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 1994

Dr. Sohail Rasheed

General Practitioner

Dr Rasheed joined the Whitworth Medical Centre in 2001.

Special interests

Dr Rasheed is our lead clinician in renal medicine and has a keen interest in diabetes management. Dr Rasheed is also responsible for our cryotherapy sessions.

GMC General Medical Council number



BSc Bachelor of Science

FRCSI Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1987

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2017

Dr Hassan Saleem

General Practitioner

Special interests

Dr Saleem joined our practice in 2019 as a GP . He is a GP trainer and at times he has medical students and trainee GPs in the surgery under his wing.

GMC General Medical Council number



MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2011

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2017

Practice nursing team

Christina Russell

Practice Nurse

Tina joined our team in 2009 and brought with her year of experience in practice nursing. She has a keen interest in cardiovascular disease and helps the doctors monitor patients with heart disease , strokes and vascular disease. She helps manage respiratory disease and is our clinical lead in childhood vaccinations.

Rachel Elven

Practice Nurse

Rachel joined our team in March 2013. An experienced nurse with a varied nursing background, this is Rachel's first post in Primary care. Ever keen to learn and use her knowledge to improve patient care Rachel has already trained in cervical smear taking , vaccinations and has worked through the respiratory disease monitoring diploma and the diabetes diploma .

Rachel has a keen interest in weight management and healthy lifestyles.

Susan Train

Practice Nurse

Sue joined our team in June 2015. Sue already had 11 years nursing experience in hospital and district nursing and is a nurse prescriber. Sue is charging through the necessary diplomas and training courses to give her the broad skill set required for practice nursing. She has already completed an update on vaccinations and travel vaccines. She has almost completed her training in Cervical Smears. Sue is scheduled to start training in chronic disease management early 2016

Reception & administration staff

Ms Shirley Brown

Practice Manager

After 13 years NHS work in both primary care and the community sector, we were very pleased to have Shirley join us as our Practice Manager in 2006. 

She had already accrued 7 years experience in practice management before this and we feel privileged that she came to join us. 

Shirley has the Amspar Diploma in Primary Care Management (2004). Ever keen to learn, she completed the Advanced Certificate in Health Service Management at the University of Central Lancashire and has the level 1 qualification in British Sign Language. 

Shirley’s numerous and varied responsibilities include staff management, finance , health and safety, forward planning and liaison with the CCG. 

Shirley also deals with patient suggestions and complaints. In brief, she is responsible for the overall smooth running of the practice!

Mrs Lisa Mitchell

Assistant Practice Manager

Lisa has worked at Whitworth Medical Centre since 2003, initially in the reception area. 

She was quickly promoted to senior receptionist and we were delighted when she agreed to be our Assistant Practice Manager three years later. 

She completed her Amspar Diploma in Primary Care Management in 2008. 

Lisa is responsible for a large amount of the varied administrative and managerial work. She helps to ensure the smooth running of the practice.


Asthma Clinic - Respiratory Clinic (Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

All of our nurses and doctors have been trained and keep up to date with management of airways diseases such as asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (also often referred to as COPD, emphysema or chronic bronchitis). Our Practice Nurses all have a keen interest in asthma and COPD management. We run a structured respiratory condition management service for routine monitoring of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Administration staff arrange appointments and reminders where necessary. Appointments are arranged for the nurse led clinic . In this clinic appropriate respiratory tests are done, such as peak flow monitoring or spirometry and examination is undertaken. Advice and information is given and alteration of treatment is arranged where necessary. If a patient’s condition necessitates assessment by a doctor this is arranged. Where necessary smoking clinic referrals, further investigations or referrals are arranged.

This service requires a referral by your GP

Child health and development - Child Development Clinic

Monitoring Schedule: NEW-BORN - Provided in hospital before discharge. This involves physical examination by the doctor and neonatal hearing testing: POSTNATAL ASSESSMENT - Provided by the health visitors home visits. It includes the heel prick test. When new-born babies are about a week old a blood sample is taken from their heel. Blood from the baby’s heel is dropped onto a special type of filter paper called a Guthrie card and stored as a series of blood spots. A number of tests are then carried out on these blood spots for the purposes of new-born screening: 8 WEEK ASSESSMENT - Includes assessment , weighing and measuring by the health visitor followed by a physical and developmental examination by the doctor. If the baby is well they will then see the practice nurse for the first set of childhood vaccinations (see child immunisation clinic): 9 MONTH ASSESSMENT - Provided by the health visitors and involves developmental assessment: 18 MONTH ASST - Provided by the health visitor.

COPD clinic with spirometry - COPD Clinic
Joint injections - Joint Injections

Some joint and tendon conditions can be eased with steroid based depot injections. Where appropriate this can be done in the surgery by Dr Ormrod. These clinics are run approximately twice each month. Your GP will arrange an appointment for this clinic if your condition would benefit from this.

This service requires a referral by your GP

Learning disability health check
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Cryotherapy Clinic

Dr. Rasheed provides a cryotherapy service (freezing with liquid nitrogen), for minor benign skin lesions such as warts and verrucae. To access this service please arrange to see Dr Rasheed or your usual GP, for an appointment to be arranged if appropriate.

This service requires a referral by your GP

Phlebotomy - Medication Monitoring Clinic (Near Patient Testing)

Some medications require very specific blood monitoring on a regular basis. We run a structured near patient testing clinic for Whitworth Medical Centre's patients who take the following medications :Methotrexate: Sulphasalazine: Leflunomide: Gold Injections: Oral Gold: Azathioprine: Cyclosporin: D-Penicillamine: Mycophenolate. mofetil
o Tacrolimus
o Sirolimus
o Lithium
Appointments are arranged according to the individual medication protocols and reminders are send where necessary.

Primary care counselling service - Counselling

East Lancashire Primary Mental Health Care Team provide counselling services for the surgery This service can be accessed directly without the need to see a GP or nurse - Minds Matter - tel01282 657792; .https://www.lancashirecare.nhs.uk/Mindsmatter-How-To-Access Alcohol and Drug Counselling can be arranged directly by contacting Inspire tel 01254 495382; https://inspirelancs.org.uk/

Smoking cessation clinic - Smoking Cessation

We have regular smoking cessation clinics at the surgery on Thursday afternoons. Appropriate medications can be arranged and monitored through these one-to-one clinics. There are several other local smoking cessation clinics accessible at different times of day such as in evenings and at the weekend. To arrange a suitable appointment for any of these clinics call 01282 607002 to reach the smoking cessation co-ordinator. For further information about smoking cessation click here, NHS Direct - Quit Smoking - Good Luck!!

Travel health with yellow fever - Travel Advice and Vaccination Clinic

Please note that whilst Whitworth Medical Centre provide these services free of charge,some of the non-standard vaccinations are not available through NHS prescriptions and as such you may be charged for these by the pharmacist. Our nurses are trained in vaccination issues and have up to date information on requirements for travel. We are currently able to provide all routine travel vaccinations except for Yellow Fever. Yellow fever vaccinations must be arranged at a registered yellow fever vaccination site and we can direct you to local providers if needed. Yellow fever centres will require a charge for this service. Contact reception to arrange a practice nurse appointment for a pre-travel health assessment and vaccination(s). Ideally arrange an appointments at least 8 weeks before travelling. Vaccinations take time to become optimally effective. Please see any of the doctors for advice about malaria preventive treatments.


  • Disabled WC (yes)
  • Induction loop (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Step free access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
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