Dr Ravi Sastry - Penny's Hill Practice

Phone:  01202897XXXX [Show Phone]
Website: Website
Address: St. Marys Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9HB
Location: Ferndown
Area: Dorset
County: Dorset
Country: England

Dr Ravi Sastry



Dr Ravi Sastry

General Practitioner

Qualified at University of Mysore, India in 1999. Trained locally in Poole and completed surgical training attaining MRCS from Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh 2005.  He is a self motivated, caring doctor who is easy to approach and has a good sense of humour.  He is a family man with young children, his interests outside the practice are Formula One Racing, cricket, badminton and golf.

GMC General Medical Council number



MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Dr Emma Richards

General Practitioner

Qualified at Nottingham in 1991.  Trained in General Medicine & Geriatrics in Nottingham and Derby before moving to London to cpmplete her General Practice training.  She was a Partner in an inner city practice near Tower Bridge before moving to Dorset .  She has worked as a Locum in several practices in the Poole area before joining Pennys Hill Practice.  She has three children and two dogs and enjoys gardening, drawing and metalworking.

GMC General Medical Council number



BMedSci Bachelor of Medical Sciences

Dr Geoff Hamp

General Practitioner

Qualified at University of Cambridge in 2002 and then completed his hospital training in several regions throughout the country.  He completed his General Practice training at Pennys Hill Practice and since then has worked in Dorset and Hampshire as a locum GP as well as in Dorset working for the Out of Hours GP Service provided by South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust.  His main interest outside of medicine is landscape photography.

GMC General Medical Council number



MChir Master of Surgery

Dr Anna Popova

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Tuesday am & pm;; Wednesday am & pm;; Friday am & pm

Special interests

Dr Popova is an experienced GP who has relocated from Suffolk where she was a Partner in a busy Practice. She is married and has 3 children.

GMC General Medical Council number



MD Doctor of Medicine

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Other languages


Dr Sam McGinley

General Practitioner

Qualified at Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in 2011.

Surgery hours

Mon am, Tues am, Wed am, Thurs am and pm, Fri am and pm

GMC General Medical Council number




BSc Bachelor of Science

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Dr Helen Speakman

General Practitioner

Surgery hours

Tuesdays am Wednesdays pm, Thursday am and pm Fridays am and pm

Special interests

GMC General Medical Council number



DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners

Practice nursing team

Sue Champion

Practice Nurse

Other staff

Hilary Andrews

Practice Manager

Surgery hours


Miss Anna Naylor

Assistant to the Practice Manager

Surgery hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Thursday am only

Mrs Sandra Davies

Reception Supervisor

Surgery hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday am


Child health and development - Child Health Surveillance (CHS)

Regular developmental checks for the under 5's are carried out by a Doctor or Health Visitors.

Learning disability health check
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery

All of the Doctors undertake minor surgery and we have fully approved facilities in our treatment room for this.  If you think that you may have a problem that would be suitable for a minor operation within the medical centre please talk to your doctor about it.

Travel health with yellow fever - Immunisations & Holiday Vaccinations

Travel Health. We offer all the routine travel vaccinations which are available on the NHS. We do not provide any additional vaccines which are chargeable, such as Yellow Fever. You can attend this service without a referral.


  • Disabled parking (yes)
  • Disabled WC (yes)
  • Signing service available (yes)
  • Wheelchair access (yes)
  • Step free access (yes)
  • Car Parking (yes)
  • Cycle parking (yes)
  • Disabled parking (yes)
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