Dr Amrit Ryatt - Sandy Lane Surgery
Website: Website
Address: Sandy Lane, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2EB
Location: Leyland
Area: South Ribble District
County: Lancashire
Country: England
Dr Amrit Ryatt
Dr Sheeja Nair
Dr Nair trained in India and graduated from Magpur University in 1994 and has been at this practice since 2010.
Dr. Brian Vishnu Rambihar
General Practitioner
Dr Rambihar qualified at Charring Cross and Westminster Medical School in 1986. He has been at this practice since 1997.
Special interests
Diabetes, minor Surgery, Occupational Health and medical education.
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
DipOccMed Diploma in Occupational Medicine
FRCGP Fellow Royal College of General Practitioners
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MMed Master of Medicine
Dr Amrit Ryatt
General Practitioner
Dr Ryatt qualified from the University of Manchester in 2002 and completed her GP training in the summer of 2009 after having spent 4 years on the psychiatric training rotation (Greater Manchester). She still have a special interest in mental health. She has completed the theory training from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive health and hopes to complete her Implanon and Coil training soon. More recently, She has been recruited to the BBC expert women’s' programme and as such have appeared on various BBC shows e.g. BBC Breakfast and several radio programmes.
Special interests
Mental health and women's health
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Sheeja Nair
General Practitioner
Dr Nair trained in India and graduated from Magpur University in 1994 and has been at this practice since 2010.
Special interests
child health and safeguarding
GMC General Medical Council number
BSc Bachelor of Science
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Zaakira Mahomed
General Practitioner
Dr Mahomed qualified at Leeds University in 2010. She is currently completing a diploma of the faculty of sexual and reproductive health.
GMC General Medical Council number
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Sujiva Suntharalingam
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Farah Javeed
General Practitioner
Dr Javeed is a training Doctor here at Sandy Lane
Special interests
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Nick Whitelaw
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Jane Couperthwaite
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Dr Amjad Kapadi
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
Practice nursing team
Sister Tracey Rodriguez
Practice Nurse
Tracey qulaified in 1985 and has been working as a practice nurse for the past 19 years. she has qualifications in asthma, COPD, diabetes and family planning/womens health.
Sister Karen Slater
Nurse Practitioner
Karen qualified in 1995 and has worked as a practice nurse for the past 12 years. Karen has qualifications in Coronary Heart Disease,Asthma/COPD, Diabetes and woman's health.
Sister Louise Martin
Practice Nurse
Louise qualified as a nurse in 2009 and worked as an acute neurosurgical nurse for 8 years before becoming a practice nurse. she is qualified in cervical cytology and immunisation and is currently working towards qualification in management of long term conditions.
Sister Launa Henry
Practice Nurse
Launa qualified from the university of Central Lancashire in 2011 and joined Sandy Lane in 2018, she previously worked on the coronary care unit for 7 years caring for patients with cardio vascular disease. Launa is passionate about educating and supporting people to manage chronic health conditions.
Colleen Clitheroe
Healthcare Assistant
Colleen has worked on reception here for many years, she has worked hard and now her role has changed to HCA - Health Care Assistant. she is enjoying her new role and the challenges it brings.
Other staff
Jenny Williams
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Jenny is an Advanced Nurse Practioner, she qualified as a registered Nurse in 1994 where she trained at Manchester Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery. since then she has gained an MSc in Clinical Practice and now works as an ANP. She has a special interest in musculoskeletal problems and injuries.
Jean Morris
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Jean is a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Jean has worked at Sandy Lane for the past 17 years originally as a Practice Nurse, with extensive experience in chronic disease management and diabetes. In 2017 she commenced a 2 year masters degree course to train in advanced nurse practice, which she is due to complete in August 2019.
Jean is an independent prescriber and can see and treat many of the same conditions that a doctor can. she can see children over 6 months of age. Until Jean has completed her advanced practice course she has a doctor supervising her, who she can ask for advice from when required. Jean also works twice a month at the Leyland diabetic Hub seeing complex diabetic patients from within the Leyland area.
Kerry Byrne
Nurse Practitioner
Kerry Joined the practice in 2017, she qualified in Salford University in 2010, Kerry is a ualified nurse Prescriber and has qualifications in clinical examination and assessment of minor injuries and illness.
Learning disability health checkMinor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
This service requires a referral by your GP
Phlebotomy - Blood ClinicFacilities
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)
- Car Parking (yes)
- Cycle parking (yes)
- Disabled parking (yes)