Dr Urjit Soni - Godmanchester
Website: Website
Address: 1A Pinfold Lane, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 2JH
Location: Huntingdon
Area: Huntingdonshire District
County: Cambridgeshire
Country: England
Dr Urjit Soni
Dr Ian Sweetenham
General Practitioner
Special interests
GMC General Medical Council number
BChir Bachelor of Surgery
MA Master of Arts
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners
Dr Richard Weyell
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr David Tolliss
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Carolyn Smithson
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
DRCOG Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2003
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1998
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2003
Dr Urjit Soni
General Practitioner
Special interests
Dermatology, Diabtes, Ophthalmology
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr Sophie Densem
General Practitioner
GMC General Medical Council number
DFFP Diploma Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine 1998
MBChB Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1993
Dr Helen Cheridjian
General Practitioner
Special interests
Minor Surgery & Family planning
GMC General Medical Council number
MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2002
MRCGP Member Royal College of General Practitioners 2007
Practice nursing team
Mrs Maria Cowie
Practice Nurse
Karen Hawkes
Practice Nurse
Karen Gilchrist
Practice Nurse
Nurse Lead
Julie Chenery
Healthcare Assistant
Fiona Mawson
Practice Nurse
Jennifer Sadler
Healthcare Assistant
Lindsey Weidisch
Healthcare Assistant
Reception & administration staff
Ms Lorraine Baker
Surgery hours
Tuesday Thursday, & Friday
Mrs Lisa Harrison
Practice Manager
Surgery hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Friday
Mrs Joan Tunstall
Ms Donna Trigg
Mrs Ann Jones
Reception Staff
Mrs Irena Hall
Reception Staff
Reception Lead
Jade Hyde
Reception Staff
Shannon Leggett
Reception Staff
Joyce McCudden
Reception Staff
Jody Adams-Wallis
Admin Manager
Suzanne Swalloa
Prescription Clerk
Sarah Baker
Reception Staff
Anne Colmer
Practice Assistant
Mrs Jody Adams-Wallis
Admin Manager
Dawn Collins
Reception Staff
Della Dear
Reception Staff
Cheriece Gordon
Reception Staff
Rebecca Lambert
Reception Staff
Asthma Clinic - Asthma and Spirometry Clinic
Nurse led clinics are held once a week. Asthmatics are encouraged to attend an annual review appointment to assess symptoms and review current medication. Please bring your inhalers with you to the appointment. We appreciate that people with only mild asthma, using only a single inhaler infrequently, may not wish to take time out of work for an annual review. A telephone appointment with your GP to discuss is recommended in this situation.
It is especially important to see children on an annual basis as their dose and frequency of medication may change as they grow. Advice will be given on managing asthma while attending school.
For useful background information, click on: www.asthma.org.uk.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Child Immunisations - Child Immunisations
Our practice nurses run two clinics each week. Appointments are arranged by the Child Health Services. Parents should receive a letter a week or two before the vaccination is due. It is important you attend on the date specified, but if this is not possible, please contact the surgery. An alternative date will be forwarded to you by post.
If your child is ill please call the surgery and ask to speak with a practice nurse who will advise you. Tell the surgery who will be bringing the child, if a parent/guardian is unable to attend. Written consent from the parents must accompany the child in these circumstances.
The routine childhood immunisation schedule – click here to view
Is there a link between MMR and Autism? A lot of media speculation about this but the short answer is No. Autism was well known long before MMR was ever used in this country. Although autism is recognised more often now than in the past, the increases were going on long before MMR was introduced.
Learning disability health check
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house - Minor Surgery
Dr Soni and Dr Tolliss will carry out minor surgery after referral from another GP within the Practice. This includes skin lesions considered worthy of removal but not highly suspicious. All tissue removed is sent for examination at the hospital.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Phlebotomy - Phlebotomy
Healthcare Assistants are available to take blood samples and send to Hinchinbrooke Hospital for testing.
This service requires a referral by your GP
Smoking cessation clinic - Stop Smoking
Smoking cessation is provide at the practice by trained Practice Nurses and Healthcare Assistants. Please book an apointment if you are ready to stop smoking.
Travel health with yellow fever - Travel Clinic
This is run by our Practice Nurses who are trained in travel medicine advice. Advice/consultations are free but most vaccinations and anti-malarial medications are not covered by the NHS. A Private Prescription or administration charge is therefore payable for each medication.
What do I need to do?
Step 1 Write down your travel dates and precise destinations.
Step 2 Log on the free website fitfortravel www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk.
This will provide you with all the information you need to prepare for your trip, including which vaccinations and anti-malarial medications are required recommended.
Step 3 Decide whether you need to see or speak to one of our Practice Nurses.
Some anti-malaria tablets are available at pharmacies without a prescription. If one of these is all that is required, no appointment is needed. Rabies vaccinations will need a private prescription in advance, so please make a telephone appointment with the Practice Nurse.
If you are uncertain about what you
Young person's clinic - Teenage Health
Our Teenage Health service is a confidential sexual health and contraception clinic for anyone of either sex who is under 25s; it is run by one of our Practice Nurses/Healthcare Assistants. They are friendly and approachable and are happy to talk to you about any problems you may have. Our ideal is that young people would come and talk to one of our nurses before they start to have sex. They can then get information on how to stay safe and stop themselves getting pregnant or catching a sexually transmitted infection before they have put themselves at risk.
Emergency Contraception
This is a pill which can be taken if you have had unprotected sex and do not want to get pregnant. It Is sometimes called the morning after pill and needs to be taken within 72 hours after you have had unprotected sex, but it works best if taken within 24 hours. You can access emergency contraception from a doctor, or free from some pharmacies.
Chlamydia Screening
Don’t Take a Chance – Take a T
- Disabled parking (yes)
- Disabled WC (yes)
- Induction loop (yes)
- Wheelchair access (yes)
- Step free access (yes)